Friday, 30 August 2013

Sidney the Alien *Free Pattern*

Hi guys so as promised here's my free pattern for you its for this little cutie

Sidney the Alien

I used Stylecraft DK wool in Pomegranate

This pattern is perfect for a beginner to get used to simple increase and decrease.

SC = Single Crochet
ST = Stitch
INC = Increase
DEC = Decrease

1.  To start, using a magic ring make 6 SC
2.  INC around in all STs (12)
3.  *SC 1, INC 1* *repeat to end* (18)
4.  *SC 2, INC 1* *Repeat to end*(24)
5-8. SC Around (24)
9. *SC 2, DEC 1* *Repeat to end*(18)

Cut out a small piece of felt, cut a across in the middle and place the safety eye through the felt and wool, secure it in place on the alien. Glue down the felt.

Template on how to cut the eye. Only cut where it shows the red lines in the middle

10. *SC 1, DEC 1* *Repeat to end*(12)
11. DEC around in all STs (6)

Stuff the head firmly

12. INC around in all STs (12)
13. *SC 1, INC 1* *repeat to end* (18)
14.*SC 2, INC 1* *Repeat to end*(24)

Stuff the neck area

15-18. SC Around (24)
17. *SC 2, DEC 1* *Repeat to end*(18)
18. *SC 1, DEC 1* *Repeat to end*(12)
19. DEC around in all STs (6)

Finish by stuffing the body and then closing off the hole by using a running stitch, go through each ST and then pull firmly and secure wool by placing it through the toy a few times.

Cut out some feet an stick them to the bottom of the alien using fabric glue. 
Template for the feet i used

If there are any problems with this pattern please tell me and i will fix them :)

*Pattern and product completly belong to me so you may make one of these for yourself but you may not sell this pattern or make this product and then sell it or proclaim it to be yours* *If you would like to share this pattern please ask my permission first*

Monday, 5 August 2013

Birthday Gift and Free Pattern?

Hi everyone I’m sorry it’s been a long time since my last post, been mega busy creating new things ^_^

In my last post I said I was working on a birthday gift well here's what it was…

Little Dino

Yep it’s another dino keyring I made for my cousin; I’ve also made this one

Though not sure what I’ll do with this one yet.

 About the free pattern I will be putting that up with my next post as I’ve tested the pattern and it should work so check back and I’m going to try not leaving it so long between posts next time. ^_^ 

*This pattern and product completely belong to me