Monday, 25 February 2013


One of my next projects came about completely by accident if anyone has played the popular PlayStation's game Final Fantasy or Kingdom hearts then you'd be familiar with the little creature known as a moogle well I'd decided to make a really tiny version of one using my own pattern but it wasn't till after I'd completed the  head and the body that I was stuck on how to continue. So my moogle project got put on hold while I continued with other projects an skills. When I came back to the incomplete project I started going over what I'd need to complete the moogle but kind of realised I just didn't have most materials to complete something like how I'd picture it in my head.On one of my insomnia/sugar rush fuelled nights I tried to carry on with the project by making the ears and then planned to go to my local craft shop in the morning, that wasn't meant to be though because as soon as I made the ears an figured out where I wanted them on the head I had a massive brainwave and literally let my brain just fly away with the idea that came into my head.

This is what I came up with, this super cute puppy ^_^

Cute but with a devilish collar ^_^

and since the birth of this little puppy I came up with the idea of puppy (then at a later date different animals) keyrings here's some of the other puppy's I've created

Pretty in pink

Expertmenting changing colours by making the splotchs

Testing out some new wool I'd just gotten

In the next post I'll show the other animals I've made into keyring form, until then thank you for reading my blog and I will eventually make a moogle that's just been put on hold for the time being until i can figure out a better plan for it.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Making my own pattern

So after starting out and knowing the basics of crochet I was getting a little bored of following books and decided I'd take a crack at making my own pattern, which is incredibly difficult by the way and starting looking around the Internet for some sort of inspiration on what to base the pattern on. It wasn't until about a month later I found the perfect thing to make a pattern for, I'm sure everyone is familiar with the little mascot for EDF energy, yep you guessed it Zingy that cute little robotic creature that sort of dances on the adverts :D for those of you who don't know who Zingy is here's a picture of him.


So anyway I'd never made a pattern before so this was a new challenge for me to take on. I first realised I was going to have the most problem with the head as he has that little point on his head but after abit of experimenting and guessing i managed to make the head and then started on his body, this is where I made a slight hiccup, I accidentally made the body too big for the size head I had made, as you can guess I wasn't very happy. How I fixed the hiccup, simple I just made another Zingy head but slightly bigger. The thing I've found with crochet is that it doesn't matter what mistakes you make always keep the project, it's a brilliant reference for you to look at and see where you went wrong and where you went right. I realised this with my first 2 Zingys they didn't seem anything like the shape Zingy was supposed to be but Ive still kept them to help me improve my next attempts.  

The first Zingy
The second

Both now live on the shelf with my dog I've named Freddy

As you can see the sizes didn't really work out (and yes I know they aren't the right colours but I was just using the wool I had on hand) but I still kept them and took both the patterns and came up with the 3rd try... 



The 3rd and final Zingy

I managed to sort out the pattern (it was mostly with pure luck I got it right) and instead of using google eyes I decided to crochet them instead to make them better. I'm very proud with how this little guy turned out and how much he looks like Zingy.
You may wonder why this Zingy isn't on the shelf with the others well this little guy now lives with my nan and grandad on there living room windowsill. 

* I do not own Zingy he belongs to his Creator and the EDF people BUT I do own this crochet pattern that made him so please no stealing my hard work.

Monday, 4 February 2013

My First Post

Hi there and welcome to my blog, this is my first time making a blog so please ignore any mistakes I make as I'm learning this as I go along.

For my first post I suppose it would be a good idea to introduce myself a little to everyone and explain how i got started so here goes, my name is Beth or ScaryMidget :) . I am 21 years old and come from Stourbridge. I am really into anything Japanese; Anime, Manga, the language, the culture etc. I am a very creative person, always taking on new projects and learning new skills.

I first got started with amigurumi/crochet earlyish last year when after being an avid knitter I realised there wasn't many patterns I liked that was on a beginner level and I seemed to have alot of trouble with the needles, so when I saw some of the things people could created using crochet I decided to take up this new skill. 

Unfortunately I couldn't find anyway to learn this skill as there was no-one in my family who knew the skill and there wasn't any classes in my area. While doing some research on crochet I came across 'Amigurumi' and was immediately intrigued as this was something to do with a new skill I wanted to learn and best of all was to do with my interest of anything Japanese. I of course quickly started looking for books to learn this new skill.

I searched through quite a few books before on amazon I found a brilliant book called Ami Ami Dogs written by the talented Mitsuki Hoshi (link below) and quickly started reading and I must say this is the best book I found to learn from because after only a few short weeks I went from only being able to make a small chain to knowing all the basics and being able to make a half decent attempt at one of the dogs in the book I am very proud of my first attempt and since then have made alot more different things and will continue to share them on this blog and may make a few free patterns as I get better and improve my skills

My First Attempt
My First Attempt

*the pattern for this dog came from the book Ami Ami dogs so if you are interested in the pattern please support Mitsuki Hoshi and buy their book

And I love my BF!